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Quali Q Updates: A Year in Review

Hello Qualitative Mind,

Quali Q turns three in June, and we thought you’d like to know what we’ve been up to this past year. I’m sincerely thankful for all the opportunities I embraced and I hope you’ll enjoy this 2021-2022 recap (and some exciting Quali Q and Maira updates)! 

When I started Quali Q Inc. in 2019, I envisioned the company as an online platform where people engaged in qualitative research would meet, build meaningful connections and eventually invest in learning more about qualitative research methods through Quali Q programs and offers. I focused on writing great blog content and being “present” in different social media platforms. I also worked hard to develop two online qualitative courses, and welcomed the first cohort in the fall of 2020.

I must say that at first the pandemic helped my vision. Most of us became more comfortable with online learning, and investing in products and services that were offered internationally. However, a year into the pandemic, I noticed many people in my professional circles started feeling less enthusiastic about online meetings and courses…the fatigue was real for most.

At the same time, I noticed the desire many people in Quali Q’s Qualitative Research Blueprint (QRB) course expressed towards working one-on-one with me. Students, academics and researchers with specific goals and timelines wanted more tailored support (and extra encouragement) to accomplish important projects.

That’s when Quali Q’s coaching and mentoring program took off, and some of our clients have been with us for more than two years. Their work, progress, and growth as qualitative researchers has been remarkable. Not only have they accomplished a lot of important tasks in our time together, but they’ve also become known in their organizations for their qualitative expertise.

Another area of Quali Q that started receiving more requests was the qualitative consulting, especially in my professional network at the University of Alberta (U of A). With more and more requests to design, implement, and write qualitative research, I realized there was a well-defined niche for me to fulfill. It was up to me to decide how much I could take on and successfully deliver while considering my own capacity….

As of 2021, I started holding a part-time position at the U of A as a project coordinator as well as an adjunct professorship with the Division of Human Nutrition. Although at times my roles and responsibilities felt like way too much (and I won’t lie , I felt overwhelmed), I believe they’ve helped me clarify my passion(s) and purpose.

My passion(s):

I love working one-on-one with clients and students, shaping ongoing qualitative projects, and writing qualitative findings.

My purpose:

To help students, academics, and qualitative researchers successfully complete their qualitative research projects with ethics and confidence.

Three years into Quali Q, I don’t think I’m doing as much as I thought I would be doing in the online space. Yet, things have flourished for Quali Q where I didn’t expect.

I believe there will be many more defining moments and opportunities in the next year as my family welcomes another member to our lives and hearts.  Baby Q#3 is due in September!!! It’s a boy!!! I do expect to slow down in the fall, and the partial pause from work will be strategic as I think of the next steps for Quali Q and my career as a whole. 

There is so much more I’d like to share with you about this past year! I have a “list” of lessons I’ve learned about qualitative research through my diverse roles and projects.

So, we’ve decided to do it on Zoom and allow the Quali Q audience to ask questions and participate!

In this live session, I’ll talk about:

1. What qualitative research and evaluation has taught me (the bread and butter of my part-time position).

2. All the “places” community partnerships have taken me.

3. Mixed methods research in randomized controlled trials.

4. Why I can’t do it alone.

You can sign up to join us here.

I hope to see you on Zoom on Friday, June 24th at noon! If you want to ask me any questions, this is your chance! Email us at and let us know what lesson you’re the most curious about hearing more and what you hope I’ll discuss.

Talk soon,