Conquering Your Qualitative Research Methods
5 days of information dedicated to writing a pivotal section of any qualitative proposal, thesis or manuscript...
Let’s conquer a super relevant piece of your qualitative research (AKA your methods) together…
If you’re ready (or in immediate need) to write your qualitative methods, I want you to join us!
My writing prompts will guide you to write your qualitative methods section in as little as 30 minutes a day!
Conquering Your Qualitative Research Methods is meant to be empowering and effective (with a healthy dose of fun).
I can’t promise you’ll never again have to look at your methods section, however, I can promise that there is immense clarity in naming concepts, approaches and processes that have guided/will guide your qualitative research.
How Exactly Will This Work?
Scroll down to find five short (5-minute) videos for you to watch, one per day. Each video will lay out the guiding posts for your writing on that day.
What you need to do after watching the video is set aside 25 minutes of UNINTERRUPTED time to write your own qualitative methods. I assure you that the prompts for your writing will be so nicely laid out that you’ll have no problems following my lead and, most importantly, accomplishing your writing goal.
By now, you should have written about your methodology, research setting, sampling, data collection and data analysis. Doesn’t it feel good to finally have that all written out?!
To wrap things up, we have one final video that provides 3 add-ons you can use to round out your qualitative research methods section.
This 5 day series was created to help you slow down and look at each piece of your qualitative methods section on its own. When we approach our writing with this intentionality, purpose and direction we feel empowered to confidently move forward!
Having this clarity and direction can also benefit your research project as a whole; it allows your knowledge about qualitative methods and your commitment to creating positive change in the communities you serve to shine through!
Sometimes finding this purpose and direction can be a struggle on your own, and this was one of the reasons why I created Quali Q- to help qualitative researchers move their projects along more easily and with ethics and confidence!
Quail Q now has several {free} programs and resources available, as well as courses and 1:1 programs that can help you to move forward with your research and advance your career. Visit the PROGRAMS and RESOURCES pages of our website to learn more.